Man of Steel is a Ripoff of The Matrix movies
|Before you start trolling on me, this isn’t me who came up with this theory, it was someone calling themselves GorgeousWig on youtube. And their evidence is pretty irrefutable. But like he says at the end of the video, creativity in Hollywood is dead, and taking entire imagery from other films has been in practice for quite some time now. So this is not a first.
However, I do take particular offence at this instance, because of how much imagery and visual design is seemingly duplicated and repacked for Man of Steel. Most films that take ideas from other films do it in piecemeal with a few bits here and a few bits there, rearranged to hide the fact that it may have been ripped-off. But in this case, every element duplicated is all in one movie, and in a very similar order. Take a look:
I admit I am not convinced by that video demonstration. Yes, movies tend to look alike a lot those days, Hollywood productions in particular and this is a major fault. However, the Christ parallel is ingrained in Superman since its creation in 1938 so in that regard, it’s The Matrix which took the christian theme from Superman. As fro the production design, they are many possible reasons. Either some members of the design team worked on both projects or indeed ripped it off. But a design based on animals is far from new and is found throughout cinema’s history.
So no, I’m not convinced that Man of Steel is a direct ripoff of The Matrix. Simply, both movies treat of similar themes and the aesthetic is similar, via convergent thinking or heavy influence.
Let’s be careful with this kind of argument.
When a movie is claimed by some to be a rip off of another, I take those accusations with a grain of salt, because any two people can come up with nearly the same idea given the right circumstances. And sometimes people may forget where an idea initially came into their heads, and so they think they just made it up when really they saw it somewhere before.
Now I chose to use this title for this reblog article because that’s the kind of title that gets people to look at these kinds of arguments. I could have said, “It might be a knock-off,” but that wouldn’t be accurate to my personal judgement of the facts presented. I actually consider this claim to be one of the more substantial claims because way too many elements seen in the Matrix films are seemingly duplicated here. More than I’m used to seeing. And while it is presented in a new world and in a new context, there’s always the chance that the people working on these elements were aware it was similar to the Matrix when they were creating them.
So I do not take this argument lightly. Nor do I take any of my other arguments lightly. That’s one of the primary points of my blog: to substantiate everything I say with the best facts and sound theories that I can gather.