What are your thoughts?

Hi everyone, hope everybody had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. And I surely hope no-one was hurt if you decided to brave the terrors of the Black Friday sales.

So this blog has been active on the web for nearly 2 years now, but it’s only been since this past June that I’ve managed to keep a fairly consistent stream of reviews coming along, all with my usual frank and personal approach, and deeply analytic criticism. To my continuing delight and surprise, I’ve gotten a fair amount of likes, I’ve garnered a couple dozen followers who I dearly thank for enjoying my writing enough to keep up with it, and more views and traffic than I could have ever hoped for: exactly 5,500 as I’m writing this. It means a great deal to me to know that all of this stuff that I’m writing about means something to somebody else.

But despite all of that good fortune, I do feel somewhat disconnected from my audience. So I wanted to take this opportunity to personally ask my readers, followers and otherwise, and especially all of you on Facebook, what your thoughts are about my reviews and the blog in general?

What do you guys like about the blog? What do you not like about the blog? What do you guys think about the layout redesign, and has it improved your experience here? Do you have a favorite review or post, and why?

And what’s your general consensus? Would you recommend this blog to a friend?

Your feedback would mean a lot to me, and I think it will really help to steer this blog in more varied and better directions as it goes forward. But don’t take this to mean that the content is radically changing any time soon, or that I’ll be altering my core writing style. There are so many many great rare and underrated films and TV series to talk about, and so many that I’m excited to review very soon.

So please include any and all thoughts in the comment section below. And I look forward to your thoughts.

