My Senior Film Project – Preproduction
|For those of you who don’t know, I am now in my Senior Year at the Savannah College of Art and Design, finishing my Bachelors Degree for Film & Television.
Below is a promotional image for my Senior Film Project entitled “Bill & Maggie’s Intergalactic Taxi Service:” a LIVE-ACTION sci-fi/fantasy, steampunk adventure in space; about a young pre-teen girl who struggles to prove herself to her father whilst traversing the galaxy.
The film is inspired by George Melies’ “A Trip to the Moon,” Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle), Wander Over Yonder, Phineas and Ferb, and Kill La Kill.

Most of my crew will be gathered within the Savannah community, but I am on the lookout for Concept Artists and Designers in order to create the look of the film, and to possibly create perks and posters for the upcoming Kickstarter/IndieGogo campaign. This project is still in it’s earliest stages, so that campaign won’t be for another month; but I am working hard to get this film on its way and I am super psyched! =D
If you feel that you could help out in any way with this production, please contact me either at, or in the comment section bellow. If you are an artist, please include a link to your portfolio or art gallery.